Board of World Mission Grant helps to provide healing in Ahuas, Honduras
Christ Church in Calgary, Alberta Canada helps to make food available during these difficult days.
Video update on Covid-19 impacts from the Moravian Board of World Mission in North America
Members of the Sister Bay Moravian Church recently visited the United States Virgin Islands where they both gave and recieved God's love.
Moravians in Honduras have had a hard time getting food due to the severe travel restrictions that come as a result of the Covid-19 pandemic. Our MDR...
Serving others changes who we are.
Prayers requested for our Moravian brothers and sisters in the Democratic Republic of the Congo.
BWM responds to needs arising from the Covid-19 Pandemic
Earthquake Recovery Update from our Moravian brothers and sisters in Albania
Moravians in Albania afftected by a November 26th earthquake. Please pray for victims and rescue personel.